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Venture-funded team based in SF with academic roots in MIT, focused on what comes next in a post-LLM world.


Venture-funded team based in SF with academic roots in MIT, focused on what comes next in a post-LLM world.


Venture-funded team based in SF with academic roots in MIT, focused on what comes next in a post-LLM world.

Cutting-edge research

The next steps for LLMs

Aura is committed to bridging the gap between research and commerce.


Our model focuses entirely on the analysis of humans (the creation of their data profile) and the ingestion of themselves as data. This personalization takes LLM performance to new heights.


We go beyond the traditional LLM model and deeply believe in viewing LLMs as abstracted computational reasoning units, which are to be used in ever more complex systems.


Our focus on personalization makes us a natural fit for consumer-facing uses. All humans deserve an intelligence tailored to help them specifically achieve their maximum potential.


Increased engagment. Our personalized AI model has been shown to result in massive increases in chatbot engagement for our customers, as their chatbots reach higher and higher levels of usefulness.

Our Values

Hardcore, Innovative & Efficient

At Aura we give it our all. We are working on a world-changing mission which is more important than any of us individually. We make use of the latest technology and methods, and we think for ourselves. We don't do things by the book: we write our own story.

Start your journey now.


2355 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94109

© 2023 ✣ All rights reserved.

Aura Intelligence.

Start your journey now.


2355 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94109

© 2023 ✣ All rights reserved.

Aura Intelligence.

Start your journey now.


2355 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94109

© 2023 ✣ All rights reserved.

Aura Intelligence.